Thursday, May 7, 2009

I don't post on here enough. This summer, I'll work on it.

Maybe.... :)

Also, this week has been exhausting.
Graduation week is always so ridiculously busy at work.
BUT, after Saturday's two grad ceremonies it won't be TOO hectic. I'm kind of excited to work on Sat, because THE Bo Jackson is speaking at the ceremonies. Exciting, right?
If you aren't an Auburn fan, you may not know who Bo Jackson is. That's okay I guess...

If you've never listened to Emiliana Torrini, you should. She's become my new favorite recently. Go to her myspace:
Jungle Drum is my number one favorite at the moment.

This post is a bit of a mess. It's late. I'm tired. And I don't know what to talk about...

I'll go now. Promise to write something new again soon. And next time, it won't be so spastic. (I say this, of course, to the....three.....followers I have. haha)

Be merry. And stay blessed. :)

Monday, April 6, 2009

Ups and downs.

Life is crazy lately. Lots going on....with me, with work, with my family. Mostly, I have a lot of family stuff going on. It's gotten pretty tough. So much so that I don't even feel like blogging about it. I'm sort of tired of thinking about it.

On the plus, I have been reminded lately just how awesome some of my friends are. Thanks,'re keeping me sane in a big messy pile of life.

I saw Adventureland this past weekend.

It was very funny. Very charming. And an overall good time...
Though Kristen Stewart is in it, and I don't really love her.
I basically could think of a million people I'd rather see in most of the roles she plays rather than her. But, oh well...

Anyways, you should see it if you haven't already.
You should see it again if you have.

...And, I think I'd be okay if Jesse Eisenberg wanted to marry me.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

I don't own emotion, I rent.

Have you seen the last performance of Rent on Broadway? They just recently released it on DVD.
I bought it last week.
It's pretty fantastic.

I love the movie, and the soundtrack...
but I didn't get to see it live while it was on Broadway (which is depressing)...
So it's nice they provided a way to show it to those of us who didn't get that opportunity.

If you haven't seen it, you should.
The cast is amazing!
Most everyone was at the very least as good as the originals.
Adam Kantor (Mark) & Will Chase (Roger) did excellent jobs with their roles.

Adam (above, left) channeled is inner Anthony Rapp...which I think is the only way to play Mark Cohen really. And Will (above, right) brought a completely new perspective to the character of Roger. It was very different from the original, but I absolutely loved it. In fact, I think I may even prefer his performance.

Anyways...this is all to say that you should see this. Even if you didn't like the movie. Even if you're not sure about the whole musical thing. It's an inspiring story, and the music isn't so bad either!

In other Rent news....I found out recently that Anthony Rapp & Adam Pascal will be reprising their roles of Mark & Roger as Rent travels to select cities around the country this year!

I can't imagine seeing these guys perform the roles they brought to life some years ago! It would be a once in a lifetime experience for me, to say the least.

The closest city that I've heard of so far is Tampa, FL.
BUT, it happens to be the week of my birthday (July 12). Fate, right?
So, does anyone want to score me some tickets?

I might love you forever.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Oh Happy Thursday!

I just got home, got off work early.
This is great, because there wasn't anything to do....
And there are plenty more things I could be doing rather than sitting at work scrambling to find SOMETHING to do. We've just been a bit slow lately.

When I was at work, though, we got news that there was a bomb threat called in. Apparently someone was going to bomb the Lowder business building. AKA, some kid didn't study for their midterm, so the figured if the building was evacuated, the test wouldn't happen. Okay, so that's not a FACT...but I have heard of people pulling fire alarms for the same reason. I guess this particular person was just a bit more on the dangerous side? Perhaps.

In other news, American Idol wild card special is tonight.
I am SO extremely upset that they chose to bring Tatiana back.

I can't stand her. Now, I love a ridiculous person every now and then...but she's just annoying. And SO self indulgent. And did anyone else notice that her accent somehow became stronger and more distinct as each episode went by? Whatever, Tatiana...just because we love Jorge and his adorable accent DOES NOT mean we will love you if you suddenly develop a stronger one. Stop being so lame and into yourself.

Speaking of ridiculous and self indulgent....
Jason Meznick from the bachelor is a total douche.
I used to think he was a sensitive and sweet guy.
But really, he cries too much, has a big nose, and I'm pretty sure he has a man crush on Chris Harrison.
In case you missed it, or haven't heard...
It came down to Melissa and Molly--- he let Molly go, and then proposed and confessed his love to Melissa. Then, on the reunion special, he DUMPED Melissa. Then asked for another chance with Molly. WHAT A FREAKIN' JERK!

Here are the highlights of his interview with Jimmy Kimmel...
(LOL @ Jimmy's response to Jason saying he and Melissa will still be friends)

GAH some people really fail at life.

I'm going to go enjoy my afternoon off. Laundry time! Woot.
Not really, but then I'm going for a walk. You should do the same if it's as lovely where you are as it is here!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

I really should....

Invest in a computer that doesn't randomly decide to quit working for weeks at a time.

Things going on in my life since the last time I blogged:
-I was under the weather. Nasty cold. I'm over it now though. Mostly.
-I played Disney Scene It with my family. I won. I'm undefeated, btw.
-I narrowed down paint color choices for my room next year.
-Found my old sketchbook, got a new one, and have been painting and drawing a lot.
-We had two tornadoes touch down in the Auburn area this past Saturday.
-The next day, it snowed almost 4 inches. It was great! And cold... (I'll make a post with pictures sometime this week, hopefully...maybe.)
-Figured out what I'm doing for my sister for her birthday.
-I'm going to the Atlanta aquarium for the day over spring break. Exciting!
-I made cupcakes a few days ago using only a box of cake mix and one can of sprite.
-In making those cupcakes, and several batches over the past few months, I have realized I've basically perfected my homemade icing. It's good. You'd like it.

Oh, and also, you should know that I am basically in love with Andy Samberg...

Monday, February 16, 2009


How is it the ones you like are the ones that ignore you,
and the ones that you don't really like won't leave you alone?

That just doesn't seem fair.

Monday, February 9, 2009

He's Just Not That Into You.

This movie was even better than I expected it to be...

Yes, it was corny.
Yes, it was girly.
Yes, some parts were predictable.

But the cast was amazing. And even though I saw more similarities between the main character, Gigi, and myself that I'd like to admit---I still walked away from it feeling happy. It's just a fun movie. For the most part. Is it silly to see a chick flick in all of it's simplicity and somehow walk away hopeful again? Probably so... But I guess i'm okay with that.

my friends all, so lovingly, pointed out the similarities between me and Gigi... and later added that they think I should cut my hair like hers. That it would fit my personality well. Now, as much as I'd LOVE to think I could pull a haircut like that off....I just have my doubts. I've been growing it out for a while, and it's gotten pretty long. I DO kind of want something different--but it's so long, i hate to just chop it all off. I'm just being indecisive as usual.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

What's my age again?

This isn't an actual full length blog. That I'll be doing tomorrow.

However, for now, I just want to say....


If you watched the Grammy's, you know this already.
If you didn't, you're so very welcome.

I'm pretty excited.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

i like...

whenever i have a bad day, it helps to think of the things that make me happy. you know, the little things that can make me smile. since i've had a crappy past few days, i thought i'd dedicate this blog to a few of those little things i like so much...

i like catchphrase.

things that are bright red.

jello pudding.

this bumble that my mom got me.

old movies like it's a wonderful life.

boys in plaid shirts.

boys in plaid shirts who play guitar.

boys in plaid shirts who play guitar in a band called relient k.

boys who dress up like boys in plaid shirts who play guitar in a band called relient k.

diet dr. pepper.

that cinnamon heart candy.

edward cullen.

the old country. with the vild pigs.



razia's shadow: the musical.

my favorite hour of television.

this commercial:

and disney world. duh!

...well, i'm thinking happy thoughts now. i hope you are too :)

Monday, February 2, 2009

When it rains, it pours.

I'm starting to really agree with that cliche...
And, it's raining outside. How fitting, right?

I don't even want to go into details, because that would be one depressing blog. But basically, I feel as though if something CAN go wrong, it most definitely does.

I found out today that the person I was going to be living with next year can't live with me anymore. Her sister decided that she doesn't want to live in the dorms and so their parents say they have to live together now. I get it, I understand---I really do. My sister and I were supposed to room together if she went to Auburn. But it's just upsetting. Not only am I just sad not to get to live with her....but now I'm stuck: the last day to renew my lease at my one bedroom was last week. I have no idea what to do.

Anybody need a roomate?

I'm done with depressing news. I want to talk about something more happy....

Suddenly I'm drawing a blank. I've just got a serious case of the Mondays. Maybe I should leave, read some of my book, doodle in the ole sketchbook, or listen to the she & him album...and then come back and do a better blog later. Yeah, I'll try that.

Thanks for reading. I needed the mini-vent.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

This is not a test.

This album is currently on repeat in my itunes:

The album came out back in 2008... but I just recently stumbled across it.

If you haven't heard of it, you should change that fact this very moment. Go to their myspace page and listen now. If you like good music, you won't be sorry if you check them out.

Also, sidenote: Zooey Deschanel (Elf, Failure to Launch, etc) is the lead vocalist in this two person ensemble.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Was, Will, & Won't ever be again.

First of all, I'm sorry it's been a few days to those few of you that may read these :)
My computer decided to randomly crash. I thought it was done for. But by some miracle, today, I just decided to try and turn it on one more time...and it worked.

Anyways, on with the blog.

This past weekend was one of the best I've had in a while. My cousin Kenton and his wife (and one of my best friends) Tiffany came down for part of the weekend. It's always great to see those crazy kids. We got together with some of my friends and played Catchphrase. I love that game. Absolutely love it! Cassie, Abbles & I went to the AU Swimming & Diving meet...mostly because we wanted a free Auburn Olympians t-shirt. They gave them out to the first however many fans...and we were part of that lucky bunch. Woot!
After that, Cassie and I met up with Lacie to go see Revolutionary Road...

All I have to say about it is simply this:
The acting was extraordinary. The cast was perfect. The costumes and sets were amazing. The music was good.
But........ the story was INTENSE. It was just a rough movie. High stress level the entire time. And, there isn't a single character that you can walk away from that movie feeling good about...
I say go see it, but be aware you aren't going to see the feel good movie of the year by any means.

Moving on....
I have decided that the next book I'm going to tackle will be The Host by Stephenie Meyer.

I tried to start it up this summer, but just couldn't get into it. However, I am in deep love with her Twilight series... and I am determined to love this one just as much! Everyone that I know who's read it says it's here's hoping....
Because a great book can always make me happy.

You know what really doesn't make me happy at all though?
The fact that there won't ever be another new episode of Pushing Daisies ever again. It was barely on for two seasons...
I don't get it. What wasn't to like? I thought that show was just brilliant. I loved all the characters... and it was just, so unique.
Are there any other fans out there? I mean, am I alone in this?
Maybe I'm crazy. Or have weird taste or something.

But, Pushing Daisies, you will be the very me.
And I will forever and always want a love like Ned & Chuck's

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

There must be some torros in the atmosphere?

So, I was thinking today about this ridiculously cold weather we're having...

Can I just say how annoying it is that it's THIS cold, but yet---no snow. How is it that in's cold enough to snow, but there's no precipitation; then, they'll predict snow, but at the last second the temperature climbs leaving us with nasty frozen mush? That's one thing I really don't enjoy about living here....the bipolar weather, and lack of wintry precipitation.

You know what I really do enjoy about living here, though?

Sweet tea. Especially my mom's.

Auburn sunsets.

Toomer's Corner, and other crazy traditions.

Red velvet cake from Gourmet Tiger. (but all kinds really).

I'm only about 5 hours from Savannah.

And I'm only about 8 hours from Disney World!

There's lots more I love about living here. Don't worry.
But I'm done for now :)

Tuesday, January 20, 2009


I hope everyone got a chance to see at least part of the inauguration ceremonies today.
I was lucky enough to be able to have it on all morning at work. Did you guys realize that in the time it takes for the actual ceremony and then the luncheon following...they have everything of the previous presidents' moved out of the white house, and the new presidents' things are moved in? Isn't that insane? How'd you like to be the person in charge of getting that organized.
Not me. NO thank you. I would like to plan events though.... but that's another topic for another day. was a great feeling to watch history in the making. I think this election just meant so much more for me. I mean, I voted. It didn't necessarily count, because McCain won our state---but I voted none-the-less. It's amazing to see how far our country has come. I'm very proud. And I can't wait to see what changes Obama can bring. I have high hopes....

***If you are interested, they are still showing live coverage (from several different perspectives) of the inauguration festivities.
Just go here:

Monday, January 19, 2009

I almost forgot.

It's January 19th.
78 years ago today, one of the most lovely women I've ever known was born.

(This is an old photo I found of my grandparents. Precious.)

My grandmother has truly blessed our entire family. She's kind-hearted, hilarious, understanding, and just absolutely wonderful.

(Yep, that's me! My mom and I basically lived with Mamaw when Dad was at seminary. )

Unfortuantely, she has Alzheimer's, and it is robbing her of the wonderful memories she helped create. There's nothing I can do to stop it, but I'm just going to try and remind her over and over what an inspiration she is to me and everyone that knows her. She's one gorgeous lady, and I would consider becoming half the woman she was an amazing achievement.

(This was last summer, in her room at Autumn Cove. I love this woman!)

So...Happy Birthday to my dearest Mamaw!

Here goes...

Yes, it's true, I'm going to finally attempt this blogging thing.

This is probably where I should go on about this being my first blog, and just sort of blurt out things about myself. I don't think I'm going to though.

That's kind of boring. It would be especially boring if I did it.

So, I'll spare you :)