Monday, February 16, 2009


How is it the ones you like are the ones that ignore you,
and the ones that you don't really like won't leave you alone?

That just doesn't seem fair.

Monday, February 9, 2009

He's Just Not That Into You.

This movie was even better than I expected it to be...

Yes, it was corny.
Yes, it was girly.
Yes, some parts were predictable.

But the cast was amazing. And even though I saw more similarities between the main character, Gigi, and myself that I'd like to admit---I still walked away from it feeling happy. It's just a fun movie. For the most part. Is it silly to see a chick flick in all of it's simplicity and somehow walk away hopeful again? Probably so... But I guess i'm okay with that.

my friends all, so lovingly, pointed out the similarities between me and Gigi... and later added that they think I should cut my hair like hers. That it would fit my personality well. Now, as much as I'd LOVE to think I could pull a haircut like that off....I just have my doubts. I've been growing it out for a while, and it's gotten pretty long. I DO kind of want something different--but it's so long, i hate to just chop it all off. I'm just being indecisive as usual.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

What's my age again?

This isn't an actual full length blog. That I'll be doing tomorrow.

However, for now, I just want to say....


If you watched the Grammy's, you know this already.
If you didn't, you're so very welcome.

I'm pretty excited.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

i like...

whenever i have a bad day, it helps to think of the things that make me happy. you know, the little things that can make me smile. since i've had a crappy past few days, i thought i'd dedicate this blog to a few of those little things i like so much...

i like catchphrase.

things that are bright red.

jello pudding.

this bumble that my mom got me.

old movies like it's a wonderful life.

boys in plaid shirts.

boys in plaid shirts who play guitar.

boys in plaid shirts who play guitar in a band called relient k.

boys who dress up like boys in plaid shirts who play guitar in a band called relient k.

diet dr. pepper.

that cinnamon heart candy.

edward cullen.

the old country. with the vild pigs.



razia's shadow: the musical.

my favorite hour of television.

this commercial:

and disney world. duh!

...well, i'm thinking happy thoughts now. i hope you are too :)

Monday, February 2, 2009

When it rains, it pours.

I'm starting to really agree with that cliche...
And, it's raining outside. How fitting, right?

I don't even want to go into details, because that would be one depressing blog. But basically, I feel as though if something CAN go wrong, it most definitely does.

I found out today that the person I was going to be living with next year can't live with me anymore. Her sister decided that she doesn't want to live in the dorms and so their parents say they have to live together now. I get it, I understand---I really do. My sister and I were supposed to room together if she went to Auburn. But it's just upsetting. Not only am I just sad not to get to live with her....but now I'm stuck: the last day to renew my lease at my one bedroom was last week. I have no idea what to do.

Anybody need a roomate?

I'm done with depressing news. I want to talk about something more happy....

Suddenly I'm drawing a blank. I've just got a serious case of the Mondays. Maybe I should leave, read some of my book, doodle in the ole sketchbook, or listen to the she & him album...and then come back and do a better blog later. Yeah, I'll try that.

Thanks for reading. I needed the mini-vent.