Wednesday, January 21, 2009

There must be some torros in the atmosphere?

So, I was thinking today about this ridiculously cold weather we're having...

Can I just say how annoying it is that it's THIS cold, but yet---no snow. How is it that in's cold enough to snow, but there's no precipitation; then, they'll predict snow, but at the last second the temperature climbs leaving us with nasty frozen mush? That's one thing I really don't enjoy about living here....the bipolar weather, and lack of wintry precipitation.

You know what I really do enjoy about living here, though?

Sweet tea. Especially my mom's.

Auburn sunsets.

Toomer's Corner, and other crazy traditions.

Red velvet cake from Gourmet Tiger. (but all kinds really).

I'm only about 5 hours from Savannah.

And I'm only about 8 hours from Disney World!

There's lots more I love about living here. Don't worry.
But I'm done for now :)


  1. Gorl, you know I love some sweet tea!

  2. Hello, congratulations on your new blog. Love your header, both the text and the image. I liked Bring it On quite a bit too.

    If you are learning how to knit. you might want to check grrl +dog's guerrilla art project, there's a link on my blog. Actually, a couple of them.
