Wednesday, January 28, 2009

This is not a test.

This album is currently on repeat in my itunes:

The album came out back in 2008... but I just recently stumbled across it.

If you haven't heard of it, you should change that fact this very moment. Go to their myspace page and listen now. If you like good music, you won't be sorry if you check them out.

Also, sidenote: Zooey Deschanel (Elf, Failure to Launch, etc) is the lead vocalist in this two person ensemble.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Was, Will, & Won't ever be again.

First of all, I'm sorry it's been a few days to those few of you that may read these :)
My computer decided to randomly crash. I thought it was done for. But by some miracle, today, I just decided to try and turn it on one more time...and it worked.

Anyways, on with the blog.

This past weekend was one of the best I've had in a while. My cousin Kenton and his wife (and one of my best friends) Tiffany came down for part of the weekend. It's always great to see those crazy kids. We got together with some of my friends and played Catchphrase. I love that game. Absolutely love it! Cassie, Abbles & I went to the AU Swimming & Diving meet...mostly because we wanted a free Auburn Olympians t-shirt. They gave them out to the first however many fans...and we were part of that lucky bunch. Woot!
After that, Cassie and I met up with Lacie to go see Revolutionary Road...

All I have to say about it is simply this:
The acting was extraordinary. The cast was perfect. The costumes and sets were amazing. The music was good.
But........ the story was INTENSE. It was just a rough movie. High stress level the entire time. And, there isn't a single character that you can walk away from that movie feeling good about...
I say go see it, but be aware you aren't going to see the feel good movie of the year by any means.

Moving on....
I have decided that the next book I'm going to tackle will be The Host by Stephenie Meyer.

I tried to start it up this summer, but just couldn't get into it. However, I am in deep love with her Twilight series... and I am determined to love this one just as much! Everyone that I know who's read it says it's here's hoping....
Because a great book can always make me happy.

You know what really doesn't make me happy at all though?
The fact that there won't ever be another new episode of Pushing Daisies ever again. It was barely on for two seasons...
I don't get it. What wasn't to like? I thought that show was just brilliant. I loved all the characters... and it was just, so unique.
Are there any other fans out there? I mean, am I alone in this?
Maybe I'm crazy. Or have weird taste or something.

But, Pushing Daisies, you will be the very me.
And I will forever and always want a love like Ned & Chuck's

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

There must be some torros in the atmosphere?

So, I was thinking today about this ridiculously cold weather we're having...

Can I just say how annoying it is that it's THIS cold, but yet---no snow. How is it that in's cold enough to snow, but there's no precipitation; then, they'll predict snow, but at the last second the temperature climbs leaving us with nasty frozen mush? That's one thing I really don't enjoy about living here....the bipolar weather, and lack of wintry precipitation.

You know what I really do enjoy about living here, though?

Sweet tea. Especially my mom's.

Auburn sunsets.

Toomer's Corner, and other crazy traditions.

Red velvet cake from Gourmet Tiger. (but all kinds really).

I'm only about 5 hours from Savannah.

And I'm only about 8 hours from Disney World!

There's lots more I love about living here. Don't worry.
But I'm done for now :)

Tuesday, January 20, 2009


I hope everyone got a chance to see at least part of the inauguration ceremonies today.
I was lucky enough to be able to have it on all morning at work. Did you guys realize that in the time it takes for the actual ceremony and then the luncheon following...they have everything of the previous presidents' moved out of the white house, and the new presidents' things are moved in? Isn't that insane? How'd you like to be the person in charge of getting that organized.
Not me. NO thank you. I would like to plan events though.... but that's another topic for another day. was a great feeling to watch history in the making. I think this election just meant so much more for me. I mean, I voted. It didn't necessarily count, because McCain won our state---but I voted none-the-less. It's amazing to see how far our country has come. I'm very proud. And I can't wait to see what changes Obama can bring. I have high hopes....

***If you are interested, they are still showing live coverage (from several different perspectives) of the inauguration festivities.
Just go here:

Monday, January 19, 2009

I almost forgot.

It's January 19th.
78 years ago today, one of the most lovely women I've ever known was born.

(This is an old photo I found of my grandparents. Precious.)

My grandmother has truly blessed our entire family. She's kind-hearted, hilarious, understanding, and just absolutely wonderful.

(Yep, that's me! My mom and I basically lived with Mamaw when Dad was at seminary. )

Unfortuantely, she has Alzheimer's, and it is robbing her of the wonderful memories she helped create. There's nothing I can do to stop it, but I'm just going to try and remind her over and over what an inspiration she is to me and everyone that knows her. She's one gorgeous lady, and I would consider becoming half the woman she was an amazing achievement.

(This was last summer, in her room at Autumn Cove. I love this woman!)

So...Happy Birthday to my dearest Mamaw!

Here goes...

Yes, it's true, I'm going to finally attempt this blogging thing.

This is probably where I should go on about this being my first blog, and just sort of blurt out things about myself. I don't think I'm going to though.

That's kind of boring. It would be especially boring if I did it.

So, I'll spare you :)