Monday, April 6, 2009

Ups and downs.

Life is crazy lately. Lots going on....with me, with work, with my family. Mostly, I have a lot of family stuff going on. It's gotten pretty tough. So much so that I don't even feel like blogging about it. I'm sort of tired of thinking about it.

On the plus, I have been reminded lately just how awesome some of my friends are. Thanks,'re keeping me sane in a big messy pile of life.

I saw Adventureland this past weekend.

It was very funny. Very charming. And an overall good time...
Though Kristen Stewart is in it, and I don't really love her.
I basically could think of a million people I'd rather see in most of the roles she plays rather than her. But, oh well...

Anyways, you should see it if you haven't already.
You should see it again if you have.

...And, I think I'd be okay if Jesse Eisenberg wanted to marry me.